Real Weird Blog
A fun blog about real life and the real weird things we encounter.

Hi visitors! I am so happy to have you here. Please have a look around and let me know what you like or don't like :/ Leave a comment or send me an email! I love to hear from my readers.

Real Weird Nails!!!

Wow!! This is sooo cool. Someone has turned my logo into nail art! Okay okay they were not inspired by my site but these and all of the other nails over at Kayleighoc's Deviant Art page are really awesome!

Thanks to Geekologie for sharing this on their site for me to see!

Another Note

It's nice to know someone believes in me. JK this is from someone who is not real. This was left on my car when I was grocery shopping. I think.

First iReport on CNN!

Wow! I just posted my first iReport on CNN. Ok, really it is not that big of a deal since anyone can do this. Here is the link if you are interested.

Is it time?

<p>With my classes about to end I thought now would the PERFECT time to get started on this blog. I will hopefully be able to post on a consistant basis. This is mainly in part to the fact that I remembered that they actually make Bloggers apps for my super awesome Galaxy S 2!

Look for some exciting stories and random blurbs from me coming even more soon than before.

Also if you think I am lame (not possible btw) then help me out! I would love to have several awesome people with cool stories posting here!
